About us


The third-generation semiconductor SiC MOSFET

The third-generation semiconductor SiC MOSFET

Design and manufacture of key parts and modules

MaxPower SiC Semiconductor Co., LTD can provide third-generation semiconductor SiC MOSFETs - key parts and module design and manufacturing. 
We are in house established as IDM factory with the up-stream to down-stream supplier chain. Series of R&D and testing equipment are already fully equipped, and our major production of SiC Substrate, EPI wafer and Chip process. 

Our R&D team members have experience studying in the United States, and their academic backgrounds include physics, microelectronics, electronic engineering, and materials science. Our company has very closely cooperation with colleges, universities and other scientific research institutions, and has in-depth exchanges in the fields of material preparation, device design, process improvement, testing and debugging.